Purpose of life (2nd part) by Chetan

Hello friends!!

I hope you all are doing good...
In the last article, wrote about the importance of having a life of purpose... 
So as promised I'm back with the next part...Purpose of life (2nd part). 

Purpose of life (2nd part)

In this article, we shall be discussing the prerequisites of having a purposeful life, which are the basics of life.
Basics of life are like the foundation stones of any building... So what are the basics of life for the foundation for living a life worthwhile... Let us have a look...Purpose of life (2nd part).

1) Living a Life of Morality

Living life of morality is very much important... 
What do we call as moral life...? 

A few points:-

A) Not using any intoxicants

B) Not doing any type of sexual misconducts

C) Always speaking the truth

D) Not killing any being (until it is an unavoidable live threat)

E) Not stealing anything from anyone.

These are like cardinal rules for life... Foundation of foundation... in fact, this is not new... These are the core values of any organized religion.

2) Health 

If at all a person is not healthy what purpose or a goal he/she can achieve in life? Or in another way if at all a person achieves whatever he or she wants but is not healthy how will he enjoy the fruits of success?

So it is our prime responsibility to take care of the body and to take care of our mind as well, I would give priority to mind over body, as if the mental health of a person is not good, he is bound to have consequences over the body.

3) Always Being Grateful

If we do not have an attitude of gratitude, we will never live a satisfying life. 
One must be satisfied, happy, and thankful for whatever he or she has as on time...

Daily around 1.5 Lakh people die globally...If you are still breathing you must be thankful for it!

Daily around 25000 people die worldwide due to hunger... don't you think we should be grateful to the almighty for the food we eat daily, which we don't even know who produced? Where it was produced? Who did all the shipments? And finally, we are able to eat it...

4. Habits

I would like to describe the word habit as the brain program or code of the brain (subconscious) to understand further... With an example...

I trust whoever is reading this must brush his or her teeth or in other words, we have a habit of brushing... When we were kids our parents taught us about brushing our teeth and after so many years without our any instruction we brush our teeth after getting up every morning without thinking of it...  once we were forced for it but after the practice of so many years this "brushing program" has been installed in our subconscious mind... 

So we must make new, productive & powerful programs for our brain through consistent and conscious efforts...

We live our life on a daily basis from waking up in the morning till we go to bed at night.

Health, habits, and daily routine, all are interrelated and influence each other...

Essentially we must have a powerful daily morning and evening routine.

If we do not have a routine or time-table chances are, we will end up spending our day randomly wasting our time and energy with "repent" at the end of the day or week or month or year or maybe life...

People who understand the importance of a powerful routine... usually have a robust morning routine but misses out on a firm evening routine, evening routine compliments the upcoming morning routine and keeps body and mind in a rhythm.

So one must customize his or her daily morning and evening routine to discipline and focus on oneself.

I hope this article has added some value to your life... Please remember medicine doesn't work until you take it... So I would urge you if you really want to transform your life...take action and take action now.

Next part will be published soon... 

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Also, I would love to read your valuable feedback. So please do comment below... that will also motivate me for writing further...like Purpose of life (2nd part).

Be Happy!!
Discover the champion within you...


  1. Thank you so much for such valuable points related to health sir. Changing my routine also. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Rightly said ...👌👌👌👌👍


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