Purpose of Life

At some point or other... as we grow up in our lives... we look answer(s) for these questions... that what are we doing in this planet...? Why are we here...? What is the purpose of this life...? Etc, Etc

If at all, these questions have never ever clicked you or still these do not hit you... you should choose not to read this article further now... it will save your precious time.

Well if you choose to read it ... you must be a seeker... 
Congratulations… and welcome!!

As Robin Sharma quotes, Purpose of life is a life of Purpose... “

Our life should not be like a directionless or captainless ship sailing on the vast sea on the mercy of winds and waves ... The ship which is heading nowhere and with huge uncertainties... 

We must introspect... have we set any direction (purpose)? Or life is just happening randomly like the example of ship given above...
Random life may be good... until we hit hard by an odd or unwanted situation in life!

For most of the people life is happening just like that, without any control, a life full of chaos and slavery…

Purpose of life is to get rid of the chaotic slavery and take the ownership… like a captain with compass (purpose).

Now the million dollar question… how do we get the commanding seat??

This question we shall be discussing and figuring out in my upcoming post(s)…

Stay Tuned…

Be Happy…!!


  1. Very interesting...waiting eagerly for the upcoming post...🙂🙂👌👌

    1. Thanks... Working on it... Will be published in a day or two...

  2. Nice sir, totally agreed, wanna discuss the purpose of life which we skipped while living....

  3. Very interesting, feeling a amazing freshness in mood.

    1. Thank you sooo much...n I'm happy for you!

      Stay tuned for upcoming part of it...

      Be Happy !


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