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Purpose of life (2nd part) by Chetan

Hello friends!! I hope you all are doing good... In the last article,  I  wrote about the importance of having a  life of purpose ...  So as promised  I'm  back with the next part...Purpose of life (2nd part).      In this article, we shall be discussing the prerequisites of having a purposeful life, which are the basics of life. Basics of life are like the foundation stones of any building... So what are the basics of life for the foundation for living a life worthwhile... Let us have a look...Purpose of life (2nd part). 1) Living a Life of Morality Living life of morality is very much important...  What do we call as moral life...?  A few points:- A) Not using any  intoxicants B) Not doing any type of sexual misconducts C) Always speaking the truth D) Not killing any being (until it is an unavoidable live threat) E) Not stealing anything from anyone. These are like cardinal r