
Showing posts with the label Blogging

How to make the best use of Lockdown time?

Make the best use of time Talk of the town has become the talk of the world in a matter of no time. The world today is facing Corona calamity altogether. If we retrospect we will find that time and again nature balances. Call it anything, crack its mystery by using any logic, but essentially Earth is getting balanced in its own manner.  Indeed it is harsh and the pain or the chaotic fear of uncertainty is understandable. The majority of us have been locked down but this certainly is the need of the hour and the best thing until the pandemic is over. This means we have now restricted the way we have been living all these years. Yes , humans are fighting the battle for survival once again in the timeline of this planet.  On a spiritual or a religious note, we can also think in this way that "the almighty" has given this us this as a 'blessing in disguise''  Almost all of us used to complain or make excuses that I have NO TIME or

Purpose of life (2nd part) by Chetan

Hello friends!! I hope you all are doing good... In the last article,  I  wrote about the importance of having a  life of purpose ...  So as promised  I'm  back with the next part...Purpose of life (2nd part).      In this article, we shall be discussing the prerequisites of having a purposeful life, which are the basics of life. Basics of life are like the foundation stones of any building... So what are the basics of life for the foundation for living a life worthwhile... Let us have a look...Purpose of life (2nd part). 1) Living a Life of Morality Living life of morality is very much important...  What do we call as moral life...?  A few points:- A) Not using any  intoxicants B) Not doing any type of sexual misconducts C) Always speaking the truth D) Not killing any being (until it is an unavoidable live threat) E) Not stealing anything from anyone. These are like cardinal r